Green Cities: Good Health

Metro nature – including trees, parks, gardens, and natural areas – enhance quality of life in cities and towns. The experience of nature improves human health and well-being in many ways. review these scientific studies that tell us how.

Forest Management & Conservation

clean air clean water carbon repositories wildlife habitats spaces for recreation life-enhancing products GFC provides education and tools to help landowners manage and protect their forests Landowners have many reasons…

Forest Certification Programs

…in the U.S. A research study on how alternate forest certification systems could impact timberland economics in the United States. The three programs evaluated included ATFS, FSC and SFI. PDF…

Timber Products

…seven of the tornadoes causing timber damage that required an assessment. PDF 2024 Georgia Certified Mills & Products This is a list of companies that participated in the Timber Product…

Forest Inventory Analysis

…forest trend data. 2018-2022 Georgia Forest Inventory & Analysis Fact Sheet This fact sheet is adapted from the current Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) data available for Georgia. The data for…

Forest Certification

…(PEFC). Helpful Resources TitleDescriptionDocument Type Comparing Certification Standards in the U.S. A research study on how alternate forest certification systems could impact timberland economics in the United States. The three…

Ask The Arborist

…insects and diseases that can affect our trees. Video Ask The Arborist Series: Mulching Tips & Techniques Tips & techniques for using mulch around your trees Video Ask The Arborist…

Teacher Conservation Workshop

This workshop focuses on topics related to the benefits of forestry, including the cycle of growing trees, the utilization of trees for common consumer products and the management of trees…

Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis

The Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program has provided the Nation’s forest census since 1930. A system of forest measurement field plots across the United States serves as the program’s foundation.

Lula Lake Land Trust (LLLT)

Since 2014, LLLT has treated 7,500 Hemlocks against the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, and the core preserve serves as a State of Georgia research site for chemical and biologic controls.