Georgia is a diverse state, with many habitats from coastal beaches to mountain hardwood forests. Each link below provides a pop-up online slide show with information about the plants and animals of the habitats, the adaptations of species living there, and the environmental issues facing those habitats.
Georgia's Habitats
Click a habitat to open a new window with the slideshow
The link, Map of Georgia's Natural Areas, provides a file of data that will open in Google Earth. (Click here for a free download of Google Earth software.) Although the site list within the file is not exhaustive, it shows Georgia's State Parks, Federal Wildlife Refuges, and other natural areas that are accessible to educational groups (appointments may be necessary).
To use the .kmz file, Google Earth needs to be installed on your computer and the .kmz file downloaded (click on the Georgia icon to download the file). Open the GeorgiaHabitat.kmz file with Google Earth. The sites are organized in folders according to habitat type that are associated with the slideshows available above. Within each habitat each site has pop-up with information about the location (just click on the icon in the Google Earth map). Photos of these areas (blue square icon) are available by activating the Layer "Geographic Web" in the Google Earth sidebar (see linked image for description). If you want to save the file for later use, chose to save it in "My Places" when closing Google Earth.
A science box on Georgia's Habitats is available for loan.
The box has a variety of materials (videos, books, posters, games, curriculum guide and natural history specimens) to support teaching about this topic. Specific contents of the science box is listed within the Science Boxes portion of the website. Boxes may be loaned for a two week period under the loan policies found in the Science Boxes webpage. The Habitat Box is shippable, but users must pay shipping charges.
We thank the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Watchable Wildlife Program for supporting this project.
Photo credits: C. Hoffman 2008.