Leaf Watch Report for October 26th, 2022

…Yellow poplar – Pale yellow and brown. Sumac – Deep red to burgundy. Beech – Yellowing. Dogwood – Burgundy. Sourwood – Deep red. Sassafras – Orange and yellow. Sweetgum –…

Leaf Watch Report for November 11th, 2021

…quickly fading out. Sourwood ranges from a deep glowing red to dark pink and beginning to fade, while maple ranges from deep red to light yellow. Overstory trees in the…

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

…by the sourwood and younger maples, Sourwood ranges from a deep glowing red to dark pink while maple ranges from deep red to light yellow. Overstory trees in the upper…

State Managed Forests

…USE RESTRICTIONS during hunting seasons. Horseback riding and mountain bike (bicycle) riding – permitted on designated trails only. Riding is not allowed during firearms deer hunting days, and not before…

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…brown. Dogwood is nearing peak as a majority of this species continues to display a mix of dull and deep reds. The Lookout Mountain and Fort Mountain areas are showing…

GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 1, 2020

…sourwoods have started to turn red and burgundy, and dogwoods are showing muted reds. At higher elevations, a number of maples are already turning deep red. Along roadsides, the reds…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…leaves Birch – slowly fading to brown and yellow Yellow-poplar – shifting to bright yellow Redbud – fading to yellow Sourwood – vivid and deep reds Sumac – bright red…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…brown and yellow Yellow-poplar – slowly shifting from green to shades of brown and yellow Redbud – gradually fading to yellow Sourwood – vivid and deep reds Sumac – bright…

GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 9, 2020

…redbud, hickory, and remaining species are starting to shed leaves but have yet to show much change in color. Dogwoods have faded from green to deep red in the higher…


…seedlings from planter tray for immediate use. Do not expose roots to drying wind and sun. Plant seedlings deeply. The correct planting depth should be at least as deep as…