Because most fires are caused by humans, extreme care must be exercised whenever open burning is conducted. Campfires, escaped debris burning and ignition by hot equipment are just a few of the things that can spark a fire.

When burning, always check the weather first.

A major cause of debris burn wildfires is not following Ga code section 12-6-90 and burning with improper weather conditions. Changing conditions and wind make it easier for embers to fly and fires to spread. Pay attention to the weather forecast and make special note of low humidity levels and wind speed. GFC has a staff meteorologist and provides online assistance with fire weather forecasts and fire safety information.

Debris burning is Georgia’s #1 cause of wildfire.

Debris burning accounts for over 50 percent of all wildfires in the state. Debris burning is categorized into different types:

  • Yard leaf piles – the most common cause of wildfires
  • Agricultural
  • Forestry site preparation
  • Construction land clearing
  • Escaped prescribed burning

Some outdoor burning requires a burn permit and/or notification. The burning of household garbage is prohibited and not permitted by GFC.

When preparing for any type of outdoor burn, always remember:

  • Combustible materials should be removed from a home’s perimeter.
  • Exit routes should be identified in advance.
  • Keep the following close at hand: shovel, a hose and a cell phone to call 911.

Wildfire prevention is paramount, and GFC provides a variety of services including:

  • fire detection
  • issuing burn permits
  • wildfire suppression and prevention services
  • emergency and incident command expertise

GFC provides education in the protection and conservation of forest resources.
GFC’s rigorous training programs ensure responders understand such concerns as:

  • fire weather
  • fire behavior
  • suppression tactics
  • use of hand and mechanical tools, heavy equipment
  • and much more
Learn More About GFC Training

Helpful Resources

TitleDescriptionDocument Type
Daily Fire Danger Rating Map

Daily updates of fire risks across Georgia

External Website
Debris Burning Safe Practices – English

Best practices to prevent injury and damage when burning

Debris Burning Safe Practices – Español

Mejores prácticas para evitar lesiones y daños al quemar

Fire Weather Forecast

Current Fire Weather Forecasts and current National Fire Danger Ratings by GFC Areas

External Website
Firewise USA®

A program that teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together to prevent losses

External Website
Georgia State Wildfires 2012 to Present

View interactive map of wildfires in Georgia from 2012 to the present.

GFC Forecast Area Map (2018)

Georgia is divided into ten areas for tracking fire weather forecast conditions.

Safety First For Landowners Burning Debris

This video provides helpful tips for safely burning debris.

Smokey Bear

Wildfire safety through educational programs in schools, civic club gatherings and other public events

Page on GFC Website
V Smoke

VSmoke-Web is a web-based implementation of VSmoke (Lavdas, 1996) and is designed to assist with planning prescribed burns in the Southern United States.

External Website
Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal

Tool to provide a consistent, comparable set of scientific results to be used as a foundation for wildfire mitigation and prevention planning

External Website