Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

…Landowner receives a signup incentive payment of 32.5% of the first full year annual rental payment, plus a onetime practice incentive payment of 50% of the eligible installation costs, plus

Think Trees for the Holidays

…hiking and many types of outdoor recreation. Everyday products for our lives, such as paper and lumber. Plus, live trees are recyclable, and it’s easier than ever now to find…

Choose a LIVE Christmas Tree for 2020!

…such as paper and lumber. Plus, live trees are recyclable, and it’s easier than ever now to find a place to drop off your tree for use as mulch. Here…

Rural Fire Defense Program

…Georgia Department of Administrative Services Surplus Property Division. The mission is to redistribute as much as possible to state offices, local governments, and some nonprofit groups. What is not redistributed…

Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)

…the average cost of the approved conservation practices or a 30-year easement, for which the landowner may receive 75% of the easement value of the enrolled land plus 75% of…

Forest Services Contractors

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? No Pesticide Applicator? No Bulldozing Burning For Site Prep Burning For…

Forests for Georgia, Georgia for Forests

Executive Summary Georgia is an ideal place to live and work – offering a quality of life that is unmatched. We are business friendly, benefit from a temperate climate and…

GFC’s Rural Fire Defense Program (RFD)

…government entities, the Georgia Forestry Commission loans and leases equipment for firefighting purposes. The Commission furnishes surplus equipment of various types to cooperators, who agree to develop the equipment into…