Forest Inventory Analysis

…forest trend data. 2018-2022 Georgia Forest Inventory & Analysis Fact Sheet This fact sheet is adapted from the current Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) data available for Georgia. The data for…


…class distributions, timber and biomass volumes, timber growth, mortality, removals and wood production by the forest products industry. Inventory and survey data provide estimates of the current conditions of the…


…Georgia’s Silvicultural Best Management Practices Implementation and Compliance Survey Best Management Practices, Water Quality PDF 2016 FIA Data – Forest Inventory and Analysis Program: Trends for Georgia’s Forest Land Collected…

GFC Launches Certified Burners’ Online Permit System

…levels produce more specific data used for emission calculations. These details provide high-quality data that can be used to model air quality and health for communities all the way up…

GFC U&CF Technical Assistance Program

…come back later and must be completed in one setting. Does your locality have a digital tree canopy coverage map/data? How old is the data (what year was it created)?…

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…have been tested to date. Oak Resource and Estimated Value According to 2004 Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) data, Georgia has approximately 9.7 million acres of Oak-type forest and 24.7 million…

Georgia’s Forest Action Plan

…provided program-specific input for forest health, stewardship, conservation easements, water quality, marketing and utilization, wildfire protection and prevention, sustainable community forestry and wildlife. Forest inventory and analysis (FIA) data served…

Forest Utilization

…within Georgia. Data collection for TPO reports involves a coordinated effort by the U.S. Forest Service Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) and GFC’s Forest Utilization staff. To estimate industrial uses…