Leaf Watch Report for November 11th, 2021

…gfading to yellow Sourwood – vivid and deep reds fading to yellow and maroon wit significant leaf loss Sumac –dull reds with few leaves remaining Maple – dull yellow or…

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

…Oak – green slowly fading to brown with occasional dull reds Blackgum – Vibrant reds beginning to dull or fade to yellow Sassafras – shows a variety of yellow, orange,…

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 17th, 2021

…the leaves have dropped. Remaining leaves dull red Sumac –dull reds with few leaves remaining Maple – dull yellow or red Birch – dull browns and yellows Oak – brown…

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…a few areas of color showing occasional shades of dull red and brown, but still mostly green. Poplar is gradually shifting from green to differing shades of yellow, gold, and…

Leaf Watch Report for October 26th, 2022

…bright yellow to dull bronze, gold or brown. Poplar is also at height and predominately bright yellow. However, it has suffered some leaf loss over the past week and continues…

Leaf Watch Report for October 20th, 2022

…with high color intensities of red or yellow. Sweetgum also provides a few areas of color, showing occasional shades of dull red and brown but still mostly green. Oak, birch,…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…of yellow and red. Sweetgum is primarily green but continues to show occasional patches of dull reds and browns. Dogwood recently surpassed peak as its vivid reds are fading to…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…surpassed peak as deep reds begin to dull. Species specifics: Dogwood – vivid red is beginning to dull and shedding leaves Birch – slowly fading to brown and yellow Yellow-poplar…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…of dull reds, golds, and yellows. Last week, the same views showed a larger percentage of green, with patches of vivid yellow and red. Lower elevations can be expected to…