Final Leaf Watch Report for November 2nd, 2022

peak. Yellow poplar – Past peak. Sumac – Past peak. Beech – Yellow and bronze. Blackgum – Past peak. Sweetgum – Fading and becoming past peak. Redbud – Past peak….

Leaf Watch Report for October 20th, 2022

…be very good overall. Average temperatures have been slightly higher, leading to a later peak season. Expect the first week of November to be the peak. Scenic NW drive: Route…

Leaf Watch Report for October 26th, 2022

…rapidly dropping leaves. Dogwoods have surpassed peak as reds have faded and leaves have fallen. 100% peak color change will likely be achieved by the end of the week. The…

Leaf Watch Report for November 4th, 2021

…period and elevations above 4000 feet are past peak. Elevations above 2000 feet are entering peak. Species that have begun to fade are river birch, dogwood, black gum, and yellow…

Callery Pear Information

Callery pear is one of the most rapidly-spreading invasive plants in the eastern U.S. This plant stems from cultivars of ornamental pears, most commonly the Bradford pear. Callery pear can have long thorns, and grows singly or in thick patches in old fields, roadsides, or forested areas.

Leaf Watch Report October 20th, 2021

…increased color change through the next few weeks. While peak time is still a few weeks away, we can enjoy some very nice color development at higher elevations. Peak should…

Leaf Watch Report for November 11th, 2021

…the colors except remaining yellow birches and occasional sourwoods. Elevations above 3000 feet are still in peak period. Elevations above 2000 feet are within peak period. Species that have begun…

Leaf Watch Report for October 12, 2022

…on track for beautiful oak tree leaf color change. I expect the peak should occur the last week of October for oaks. We are within peak for species like yellow…

Georgia Wood-Using Industries Directory

…Address: 182 Peachtree Road Fitzgerald, GA 31750 County: Ben Hill Mill Size: D Mailing Address: 182 Peachtree Road Fitzgerald, GA 31750 Shavings Species: yellow pine Products:shavings, animal bedding By-Products:sawdust Phone:…