Southern Pine Beetles

Figure 2: Southern pine beetle gallery – Photo by Ronald F. Billngs, Texas A&M Forest Service, Figure 1: Southern pine beetle – Photo by Gerald J. Lenhard, Louisiana State…

Asian Longhorned Beetle

…and bluish feet (Figure 1). Figure 1: Adult Asian longhorned beetle Figure 2: Females scratch a depression in the bark and lay an egg In two weeks when the egg…

Pine Bark Beetles

…more in diameter and often appear purplish (Figure 2). Southern pine beetle (Figure 3) and Ips beetle (Figure 4) attacks usually start well up the tree and then spread up…

Georgia Forestry Commission Helping Fight Western Wildfires

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 20, 2021 The Georgia Forestry Commission has dispatched another group of wildland firefighters to help contain raging fires in the western United States. The latest cadre…

Spongy Moth (formerly Gypsy Moth) in Georgia

…pulls from her abdomen (Figure 1). The female will lay eggs on most anything but usually does so in a protected area. In the south, egg hatch will begin in…

Fire Prevention & Suppression

…wildfires in Georgia start because of careless debris burning. Also, certain weather conditions can increase the chance of fire. These include warm temperatures, wind, low humidity, and atmospheric instability. Fighting…

Fire Prevention Week 2020

…chance of fire. These include warm temperatures, wind, low humidity and atmospheric instability. Fighting and Preventing Forest Fires Early detection is key to effective fire suppression. When a fire emergency…

Firefighting Training & Resources

Wildland firefighters work in natural environments, such as forests, preventing and fighting fires, and performing rescue and aid services. Wildland Firefighter Training is for: Fire Department personnel – must be…

GFC’s Rural Fire Defense Program (RFD)

…for fighting wildland fires. These departments serve as a force multiplier in assisting GFC with firefighter personnel and equipment for rapid deployment on wildfires. Under a Cooperative Lease Agreement with…