Pine Bark Beetles

…entrance hole on the bark. These pitch tubes are the tree’s defense mechanism against the beetles, with resin pushing the beetle out. Severely stressed trees may not produce pitch tubes,…

Southern Pine Beetles

…pine beetle pitch tubes – Photo by Tim Tigner, Virginia Department of Forestry, Figure 4: Southern pine beetle pitch tube – Photo by Erich G. Vallery, USDA Forest Service,…

State Managed Forests

…of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Flat Tub Wildlife Management Area (WMA). This property has a fairly easy walk (approximately .5 mile) to some of the famous “Broxton Rocks”…

Laurel Wilt Disease Associated with Redbay Ambrosia Beetle

Laurel Wilt disease in Redbay. (L) Toothpick-like frass tubes extruded by ambrosia beetles boring into the wood. (C) Large Redbay trees killed by Laurel Wilt, rotting, and falling to the…

Vigilance Urged as Insect-Attacks Emerge

…presence of “pitch tubes” in the bark and “galleries,” or the marked trail of beetles, underneath the bark. Every spring the GFC participates in a special trapping program that collects…