We provide leadership, service, and education to protect and conserve Georgia’s forest resources.

e.g. outdoor burn, burn permits, tree seedlings, office locations, jobs, How to Plant a Tree


What is it about change that sparks such a range of emotions? The mix of sadness and excitement that accompanies new opportunities and challenges is something we’ve all experienced – and, I’m experiencing this right now. Click here to Learn More

Now Playing: The Georgia Forestry Forum Podcast

Did you know GFC has a podcast? We recently launched The Georgia Forestry Forum, a podcast centered around all things trees, fire, and forestry.

Click here to listen and Learn More

Seedling Store Now Open

Each year, GFC supplies seedlings to Georgia landowners for reforestation, beautification and wildlife habitat.

Seedling sales open July 1, and deliveries begin the first week in December. Seedlings are available to the public on a first come-first serve basis. Click here to order your and Learn More

Urban and Community Forestry Grant Programs

- Georgia ReLeaf - up to $15,000 for tree planting & tree giveaways projects.

- Trees Across Georgia (TAG) - up to $150,000 for community forestry projects such as tree inventories, workforce development, heat island mitigation, staffing, storm planning, etc.

- Technical Assistance - GFC will provide canopy mapping, code and policy audits, and planning assistance to communities under 50,000 in population through its partner, the Green Infrastructure Center. Guidelines and more information can be found here. Learn More