Hurricane Cleanup Time Extended; State Timber Tax Credit Deadline Nears
Forest landowners who have been approved for post-Hurricane Michael cleanup assistance through a special state program have been given a bit longer for the work to be completed.

Forest Access Road and Firebreak Restoration Project: Hurricane Michael Relief Package
On November 18, Governor Nathan Deal signed into law HB 1EX, which provides emergency disaster relief assistance for cleanup efforts for timberland owners as well as emergency funding for state agencies … Continue Reading →

Forestry Commission Plants Special Seedlings in Dawson County
A tract of land in Dawson County will soon be growing some distinctive trees whose seeds will benefit Georgia for decades to come. The Georgia Forestry Commission has planted 60 specially-grafted shortleaf pines and 70 Virginia pines on a 2.5-acre site adjacent to its office on Highway 53.

Kemp Leads Forest Field Day
Landowners got a first-hand look at how good forest management enhances Georgia’s woods, water, wildlife and recreation recently at a special event in Madison County. The Georgia Forestry Commission and Georgia Tree Farm Program put on a field day at “Plantation Partners” Tree Farm to highlight the resources available that support sustainable forestry.

Annual Northern Georgia Burn Ban Begins May 1
Georgia’s annual ban on outdoor burning begins May 1 in 54 counties, mostly in the northern half of the state. The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) puts the restrictions in place during the summer months, when increases in ground level ozone may create health risks.

Cusseta Man Facing Charges of Serial Arson
A Cusseta, Georgia man has been charged with arson in connection with a series of fires near Fort Benning spanning two years. Georgia Forestry Commission Law Enforcement led the investigation resulting in the arrest of 63-year old Samuel Lloyd Hudson, who is charged with two counts of arson of lands.

Area Timber Thefts Yield Arrest and More Investigation
A Hephzibah man is in the Richmond County jail facing felony charges for timber theft. Ryan Casey Price, 23, was arrested after Georgia Forestry Commission investigators traced a trail of illegally cut trees to his home. Authorities believe Price stole timber on several nearby properties in Richmond County, then cut, split, and sold it as firewood. He is formally charged with theft of more than 100 tons of timber on one tract.

Cogongrass in Georgia
Cogongrass, Imperata cylindrica (L.), is considered the seventh worst weed in the world and listed as a federal noxious weed by USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service – Plant Protection and Quarantine. Cogongrass was first introduced into the United States near Grand Bay, Alabama in 1911 via seed packing material in shipping containers from Japan.

Help at Hand for Michael-Struck GA Landowners
Emergency assistance for landowners impacted by Hurricane Michael is being rolled out by the Georgia Forestry Commission. Aid approved by the Georgia Legislature in November includes $20 million for debris cleanup in areas where the storm decimated millions of acres of forestland and tree orchards.
Laurel Wilt Disease Associated with Redbay Ambrosia Beetle
Laurel wilt is a deadly vascular disease of plants in the Laurel family (Lauraceae). It is caused by the fungus Harringtonia lauricola and vectored by the redbay ambrosia beetle, Xyleborus glabratus, … Continue Reading →