Forests have the capacity to both store and emit carbon. Through the process of photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store carbon in the stem, roots, branches, and leaves. Wood products that are harvested from forests also provide long-term storage of carbon.

2024 Georgia Carbon Registry Amendment

The purpose of the amendment to the Georgia Carbon Registry is to promote the use of building products used in construction in Georgia that sequester carbon and/or reduce carbon emissions and to issue carbon credits to the builder/developer for carbon sequestered and
reductions in embodied carbon as compared to conventional building practice. The details of the project are recorded in the Georgia Carbon Registry and credits are issued to participants – typically building owners. Participation is voluntary.

The guidelines provided in this document strive to meet established criteria compatible with global carbon credit and offset markets, with the goal of producing high-quality, auditable carbon credits through a rigorous process ensuring that projects in the registry are making
meaningful reductions to atmospheric carbon. These criteria include robust carbon accounting, additionality, and 100-year permanence to ensure that carbon removals remain in place during this critical period of transition from carbon-emitting to carbon-neutral energy technologies.

The provisions of the protocol are mandatory, meaning that to qualify for carbon credits, the participant must comply with all provisions outlined in the document. The boundary definitions of the LCA’s which underlie these carbon calculations include optional provisions for some life cycle stages, e.g., for calculating carbon associated with transportation and on-site construction, that some registrants may wish to pursue. Other participants may choose to simplify their calculations or may not have the data required to assess transportation energy flows and site-specific energy flows.

Some sections of this document end with a sub-section titled Commentary. The commentary sections are non-mandatory and are included to inform the user of background information, provide references to similar efforts such as this registry, and guide in further development of the protocol in the future.

Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry

Application Form

Please contact Devon Dartnell at for more information.


TitleDescriptionDocument Type
Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry

Protocols for Carbon Accounting of Sustainable Products in Buildings Prepared by the Sustainable Building Materials Technical Advisory Committee

Third Party Verification Providers

A list of third-party verification providers


Carbon Registry FAQs

Why is carbon sequestration so important?

Scientists say the world’s atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are increasing by about three billion metric tons every year. As air pollution increases, so do the number of health problems for Georgians. Planting trees and managing their development is a proven way to reduce the number of harmful particulates in the air. Carbon Sequestration is also an emerging market opportunity for southern forest owners as they seek reasonable returns for the ecological services they provide.

Find out more about Carbon Sequestration.

How does a forest provide clean air?

Actively growing forests remove carbon dioxide (CO2), a by-product of burning fossil fuels, from the atmosphere. Trees store the carbon in wood fiber, and release oxygen. When trees capture and store carbon in forest vegetation, soil and forest products, it is called “Carbon Sequestration.”

Find out more about Carbon Sequestration.

What are ecological services?

Ecological services are the natural benefits of a well managed forest: water filtration, erosion control, wildlife habitats, and clean air.

Find out more about Carbon Sequestration.

How much carbon can southern forests process?

Actively managed southern pine plantations sequester from one to four tons of carbon, per acre, per year. Annually, Georgia's forests offset approximately 8% of our state's carbon dioxide emissions.

Find out more about Carbon Sequestration.

How could a landowner realize value for carbon sequestration?

The sale of “carbon credits” could provide a new opportunity for income on a regular, ongoing basis. Systems that match emission-dependent companies with tree growers have been developed in Georgia, California, Maine, Oregon, and in other parts of the world. Companies such as utilities cost-share tree planting or reforestation in exchange for “carbon credits,” and transactions are recorded in a Carbon Registry. A national protocol for establishing such a registry does not yet exist.

Find out more about Carbon Sequestration.

What’s happening in Georgia to encourage carbon sequestration?

GFC and the University of Georgia have defined a Carbon Registry protocol for Georgia and developed an online carbon sequestration registry to list and track forestry projects that are managed to sequester carbon.

Find out more about Carbon Sequestration.

Why is a carbon sequestration registry important?

By developing a carbon sequestration registry, Georgia landowners will have the opportunity to certify that their forests meet specific standards required by those companies wishing to purchase carbon credits. The Registry will also list potential carbon credit markets and encourage those persons representing the market to contact Georiga forest owners regarding potential carbon credit transactions. Furthermore, forest growth will be encouraged and significant steps taken to protect Georgia's environment.

Find out more about Carbon Sequestration.