Learn, Plan, Act

GFC and the Southern Group of State Foresters launched “Learn, Plan, Act” as a way to promote sound forest management practices and provide helpful educational materials, guidance and other resources to Georgia landowners.

Forest Action Plan – GA Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources (2015)

Georgia’s 24 million acres of forest land are a rich and renewable resource that provide a myriad of benefits to citizens across the state. This updated Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources addresses the conditions and issues at hand today, and prioritize concerns for the near and distant future.

Save Energy – Plant Trees!

Plant trees to lower utility bills, save energy, and add value to your property. A homeowner learns how in this Georgia Forestry Commission video.

Plan Now, Dodge Bullets Later!

plan ahead for the possible impact of storms on trees: Inspect your trees before (and after) any major weather event; look for cracks and new leans. Work with an ISA…