Pardon Our Smoke

threatened and endangered plants or animals who are dependent on post-fire conditions, opening up feeding areas for wildlife, improving timber production, and burning off ground fuels to reduce the risk…

Biology and Management of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in the Eastern U.S.

Hemlock trees in eastern forests are late successional tree species that provide shade for the forest understory. Globally, there are ten hemlock species, with populations located in Asia and eastern and western North America12. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana) grow in the eastern U.S. These trees have great ecological and cultural value in forests. However, the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae or HWA) is decimating hemlock populations throughout much of the trees’ native range, altering landscapes, and threatening these iconic tree species in both rural and urban areas.

Berrien County Woods Arson Suspect Jailed

…Brown, 37, is facing 55 charges in connection with 13 intentionally set fires that burned 13.7 acres and threatened the lives of local and state officers. If convicted on all…

Pine Bark Beetles in Georgia

…to the odor produced by wind-thrown trees and trees damaged or killed by nature or man. Living pine trees are infested when stressed by: drought, age, tree competition in overcrowded…


…the blades, which scratches animals’ throats. Georgia’s Cogongrass Eradication Program has a two-pronged approach: education and eradication. Our program has been educating professionals and landowners and tracking and eradicating cogongrass…

Forest Inventory Analysis

…to make decisions on development, commerce, wildlife and much more. Nationally, collected data is electronically compiled and forwarded to the U.S. Forest Service FIA program office in Knoxville, Tennessee. Based…

Management Plans & Advice

…records and keep track of activities on your property. Communicate with others who use the property or who may be caring for it in the future. Creating a forest management…

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) in Georgia

Updated January 2020 Background Hemlock Woolly Adelgids (photo courtesy of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is an invasive insect native to Japan. This aphid-like insect threatens hemlock trees in the…

Gall Producing Insects

Galls are abnormal vegetative growths on trees that result from the feeding and egg laying activities of various insects and mites. Generally, galls are not life threatening to trees, but there are recommended steps to control the growth.