Taxes & Estate Planning

…pay enough tax by the due date of each of the payment periods, you may be charged a penalty even if you are due a refund when you file your…

Georgia’s Forest Action Plan

…and reduce threats to forest and ecosystem health. Enhance public benefits from trees and forests. Protect and enhance water quality and quantity. Improve air quality and conserve energy. Assist communities…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

…reds. White oak and red oak are slowing shifting to shades of brown and red, but still predominately green. Sassafras took off this week and is showing a variety of…

Community Wildfire Protection Plan

…officials and their responsibilities CWPPs are designed through collaboration with all local stakeholders. Planning enables communities to address their development patterns in the wildland urban interface (WUI) and determine how…

Cogongrass in Georgia

…soil types with the exception of saturated soils and is highly adaptable from full sunlight to shade. Cogongrass invades forests, pastures, old fields, roadsides, utility rights-of-ways, and ditches. The grass…

Southern Pine Beetles

…All of the above factors help sustain beetles when their numbers are low. However, during epidemic years when SPB numbers are skyrocketing, even the healthiest of trees/stands are killed. Therefore,…

The Timber Harvest Notification Website is Live!

…email when a harvest notification is entered. Pre-determined receiving departments may include offices of the road department, tax assessor, code enforcement, and county commissioner. While the system just unveiled is…

Georgia’s Conservation Woodland Program

…includes tree planting, timber harvesting, prescribed burning, and smoke management. These sections provide detailed information on how to properly plant your desired trees, whether they be for timber production, aesthetics,…

Forest Industry

Our numbers speak for themselves. One of the top exporters nationwide in 2019 for wood, wood fuel, and wood pellets $36.3 billion – total impact of the forest industry on…


…have been thoroughly frozen in the pack. Freezing irreversibly damages the root system, leading to seedling death. Allow lightly frozen seedlings to thaw naturally. Do not handle seedlings in this…