GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…red maple, sourwood, sumac, and blackgum are among the species most affected by the rain. Though some of the most vivid colors from last week have disappeared; hickory, poplar, birch,…

Leaf Watch Report for October 05, 2022

…Route 17, South of Hiawassee, is showcasing some significant signs of fall colors from birch, maple, sourwood, and dogwood. Northeast GA: These bright sunny days and cool nights contribute to…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…is there is still plenty of foliage in transition and still plenty green so we should still see more color development in the coming days to the next 2-3 weeks….

Taxes & Estate Planning

…these conditions your claim of loss cannot exceed your adjusted basis in the property less any insurance or other compensation. Both Southern Pine Beetle infestations and mortality due to drought…

Conservation Woodland Program

completed application for the program within the legal time limit. If both the proof and the completed application are not filed within the proper time limit, your application will be…

Landowner Resources

…(2013) Overview information regarding pine bark beetles. PDF Southern Pine Bark Beetle Coloring Book Southern Pine Beetle – Biology, Prevention, and Restoration Southern Regional Extension Forestry – Hemlock Woolly Adelgid…