1999 – 2009 Georgia Trout Stream BMP’s Interpretation addendum

Georgia’s forestry BMP manual (revised in 1999 and 2009) recommends a 100 foot wide Streamside Management Zone, measured from the stream bank horizontally outward away from the stream; to be implemented on all Georgia designated primary or secondary trout streams – and tributaries (p. 11 Georgia’s BMPs for Forestry manual).

Sudden Oak Death (SOD) in Georgia

…State funding to process the samples has not been secured and the program has not been fully implemented. This set of guidelines was patterned after the Canadian Phytophthora ramorum exclusion…

Georgia’s Forest Action Plan

…U.S. Forest Service Utilization and Marketing U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station FIA Section U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station and Forest Products Lab Georgia Tech Economic Development and Research…

Howard E. Bennett Museum

…naval ships, which is how the name “naval stores” came to be. A section of the museum is dedicated to naval stores and forest management practices. Visitors can explore different…