The Timber Harvest Notification Website is Live!

…harvesters a uniform format for providing counties or cities that require harvest notification the information they need. Information such as harvest site location, public road ingress, and egress points, landowner…

“The Best Time to Plant a Tree was Yesterday.”

…is done. Now we must rebuild, and most importantly replant, to resurrect our lost canopy. Fortunately for our community, we have an incredible group of citizens who saw the need

Fire Danger Rising – Public’s Help Needed

…most of Georgia and forecasters are expecting that to continue for the next three months. “We need everyone to take this very seriously,” said Sorrells, “because each of us can…

“Wildfires in Georgia”

…another – when burning, please remember to follow your local laws. Look at the GFC website for all the information you need to do it right. And think about what…

North Georgia Burn Ban Boosts Air Quality

…need to lower the risk of wildfire by paying close attention to weather conditions and safety precautions. Everyone needs to work together to ensure an enjoyable and fire-free summer.” For…

Wildfire Risk High as July Fourth Holiday Approaches

…build throughout Georgia, the Georgia Forestry Commission is reminding residents about the increasing risk of wildfire. “We need everybody’s help in keeping our communities and our forestlands safe,” said Georgia…

Leaf Watch Report for September 28th, 2022

…were many of the understory species in color along the roadside. This route was enhanced by wildflowers that are in full bloom, like goldenrod, ironweed, and several native sunflowers. Many…

GFC’s people and services impact Georgians

…unlike any other professional group with which I’ve been associated. I can’t count the times I’ve seen an email come through about a colleague in need – illness, family emergency,…