Forest Certification

There are several benefits to pursing certification, including: Some Georgia forest product companies show a preference for purchasing certified timber. Regions with more certified forestland attract new industries that require…

Forest Biomass

…for bioenergy combustion systems. Use of these materials also prevent their disposal in landfills. Care should be taken to ensure that wood treated with chemicals and hazardous materials are not…

Forest Legacy & Conservation Easements

…a property. Traditional conservation easements, sometimes called “open space” or “no build” or “scenic” easements, remove landowners’ rights to engage in certain activities, such as mining, subdivision, and residential and…

Learn, Plan, Act

A Common Goal – Better Land Management The two organizations joined together to create this initiative because 89 percent of the south’s woodlands are privately owned, but only a small…

Pine Bark Beetles in Georgia

…to the odor produced by wind-thrown trees and trees damaged or killed by nature or man. Living pine trees are infested when stressed by: drought, age, tree competition in overcrowded…

Timber Sales

Large tracts of land are maintained and preserved by the State. GFC manages several land properties owned by the State of Georgia. All of them operate under a multiple-use Forest…

Wildland Brush Slip-In Unit

ICS Type 6/7 Engine – Tanks are constructed of 3/16” aluminum and are baffled to meet current NFPA specifications

Georgia State Board of Registration for Foresters

The Georgia General Assembly created the Georgia State Board of Registration for Foresters in 1951 for the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, and welfare by regulating those who engage in the practice of professional forestry.