Timber Sales & Harvest Advice

Getting Started To request a site visit and find out more about timber sales, contact your local GFC forester. We recommend that you engage the services of a consulting forester…

Forest Legacy & Conservation Easements

…areas that have multiple public benefits such as water quality protection, key fish and wildlife habitats, and outstanding recreation opportunities or scenic views, while providing the opportunity to continue traditional…


recommend only planting after November 1 if soil moisture is plentiful. It’s better to wait and plant after December 1 and before March 1. When hand planting, carry plants to…

Emergency Response

…a number of helpful tips to properly prepare. Georgia records some 3,500 wildfires annually. There is a higher risk of wildfire in the wildland urban interface (WUI), where homes are…

Rural Fire Defense Program

…responsible for wildland and rural firefighting to ensure authorized and qualified firefighting entities are Users/Recipients of the property. PDF NFP/VFA Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant Announcement Letter FY2023 PDF NFP/VFA Volunteer…

Doing Business in Georgia

…integrated network of 34 technical colleges with multiple campuses Each year 50,000 graduates of technical, four-year and two-year colleges enter the Georgia labor force. GeorgiaHire.com is a free, online recruiting…

Forest Inventory Analysis

…data so that we can assess trends and track current forest resource status. FIA data is valuable as a historic record and it provides documentation of current conditions and trends…

Storm Mitigation Planning

…develop a plan for avoiding or mitigating storm damage to trees. GFC can also help arborists: learn to assess a community’s current storm readiness prepare, respond, and recover from a…


…big role ensuring healthy wildlife habitats. Download fact sheet to learn more. PDF Green Cities: Active Living Recent research indicates that quality outdoor environments affect activity attitudes and behaviors. Urban…

Social & Cultural

…states in the nation, and working forests play a big role ensuring healthy wildlife habitats. Download fact sheet to learn more. PDF Green Cities: Active Living Recent research indicates that…