March Tornado Timber Damage Totals Nearly $3 Million

…Our field foresters and urban forest strike team collected aerial and ground data for this assessment, which quantifies the wide degree of timber damage, from residential trees to mature managed…

Meet GFC’s Director: Tim Lowrimore

…with a forestry degree. In the years that followed, I’ve held various positions in private industry and public service, each of which have contributed to my passion for forestry and…

Local Forester Named GFC 2020 Forester of the Year

…year. Martin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management from Virginia Tech and has worked in the forest industry for more than 34 years. Martin was awarded a…

Gary White Named GFC Interim Director

…of 2020. Gary White graduated from West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management. After serving with the Peace Corps in Durking Faso, he returned to…

Storm Damage: Information for Landowners

Storms cause varying degrees of damage to forests and damage can be highly variable across affected areas of the landscape. Landowner objectives for the forest will help determine what actions are needed to restore the health and productivity of the forest resource. View steps to take after any storm.

Forest Biomass

…stands of southern pine species are often overly dense, sometimes with thousands of trees growing on each acre. A thinning operation that results in a forest stand of 500 –…

Fire Weather

…(Lavdas, 1996) and is designed to assist with planning prescribed burns in the Southern United States. VSmoke is a simple gaussian smoke dispersion model that calculates isopleths of surface smoke…

Wildfire Prevention

…GFC Website V Smoke VSmoke-Web is a web-based implementation of VSmoke (Lavdas, 1996) and is designed to assist with planning prescribed burns in the Southern United States. External Website Wildfire…

Connect With Nature

Take a forest break! GFC and Southern Group of State Foresters have launched a communications campaign to educate the public about the benefits of forests. The campaign invites internet visitors…