Natural Disaster Recovery

…and pile it separately. Most woody debris can be recycled. Removal of Larger Debris GFC recommends homeowners only attempt to clean up minor tree debris. Tree trunks and large limbs…

Water Quality & BMPs

…potential erosion and sedimentation. Online BMP Learning Modules GFC has partnered with Georgia Environmental Protection Division and Southeastern Wood Producers Association to produce a number of online Best Management Practices…

Invasive Plant Control Program

…of Education, etc.). There are exclusions to participation. Corporations whose stocks are publicly traded, or legal entities principally engaged in the processing or manufacturing of wood products are excluded from…

Emergency Response

…built in wooded settings near forests and remote land. Wildfires can spread quickly and change direction rapidly, igniting brush, trees and homes. There are actions landowners and homeowners in the…

Community Forestry Assistance

…heat island mitigation, urban forestry staffing, storm recovery/resiliency, urban wood utilization, etc. may be eligible for up to $150,000 each year for 3 years if providing benefits to disadvantaged communities….

Storm Mitigation Planning

…when the time comes. New opportunities for economic and environmental use of woody debris may also be available. Helpful Resources Find sample emergency response plans, Do’s & Don’ts on managing…


…home price. Wooded apartment complexes provide preferred aesthetics that can increase occupancy rates. Strategically placed trees around a home can reduce summer cooling costs by as much as 30%. The…

Champion Trees

…criteria: It must have an erect woody perennial stem, or trunk, at least 9.5 inches in circumference measured 4.5 feet from the ground. It must have a definitely formed crown…

Georgia Forestry Magazine

Georgia Forestry Magazine is published by HL Strategy in partnership with the Georgia Forestry Association and Georgia Forestry Commission. Together we are focused on telling the story of Georgia’s working forests, the landowners and producers who steward the land, and the manufacturers who are promoting innovative uses of wood.