GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…and sassafras are continually shifting from green to yellow, increasing variety to overlooks as time progresses. Oaks are beginning to fade to brown with small hints of yellow. Dogwoods have…

Timber Products

…and turpentine. Rosin chemical derivatives – used in adhesives, printing inks, synthetic rubber, chewing gums, soaps, and detergents. Turpentine – in whole form, used as a solvent for paints and…

Arson Investigations

…Law Enforcement Department is headquartered at GFC’s central office in Dry Branch, Georgia, located south of Macon. Those who commit arson face stiff penalties under Georgia law. Punishments for convicted…

Prescribed Burn

…burning agreement. Services include plan preparation, equipment loans, and on-site assistance. At times, constraints such as personnel and wildfire suppression can limit the availability of this service. The landowner must…

Local Forest Ranger Receives Fire Prevention Award

…In his nomination documents, Davis lauded English for numerous activities that promoted wildfire prevention. They included media appearances, extensive promotion of the Firewise USA program, many stints portraying Smokey Bear,…

Timber Security

…House Bill 790 to enforce any law relating to the protection, security, conservation, or sale of forest/timber resources. GFC receives and evaluates complaints concerning timber transactions. Investigators are assigned to…

Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl Poster Contest

For students to demonstrate their understanding of wildfire prevention and basic environmental conservation principles through original drawings of Smokey Bear or Woodsy Owl. 1st through 5th grade students

Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week works to educate everyone about the small but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe. Learn more about creating a plan.

Forestry Employees Honored by Georgia Legislature

…our elected leaders.” The GFC’s Oglethorpe County Forestry Unit was awarded the 2018 North Georgia Unit of the Year. The team was recognized for its accomplishments in the areas of…