GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 9, 2020

…this week by the birches. Many yellow poplars are currently shedding leaves with leaf showers common along your drive. However, there is still a solid population of poplar that are…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…is there is still plenty of foliage in transition and still plenty green so we should still see more color development in the coming days to the next 2-3 weeks….

Think safety before starting a burn.

* Georgia law no longer requires notification to the Georgia Forestry Commission by people planning to burn yard debris. Charges may apply if wildfire results from escaped burning and evidence…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…less below 3000’. This pattern of cool overnight weather has continually improved color change in the landscape. While peak time is still a few weeks away, we can enjoy some…

Lancaster Forestry Youth Camp

…students could learn about how forestry affects their everyday life. The founders also wanted youth to realize forestry was way more than just cutting down trees. Since that first camp…


…to educate landowners, consulting foresters, natural resource professionals, government agencies, and utility right-of-way workers on the dangers of cogongrass and how to identify it. This education proves to be successful…

Leaf Watch Report for September 28th, 2022

…elevations from mid-late October and lower elevations from late October to early November. Scenic NC Drive: State Route 180 via U.S. 19 South of Blairsville, on the way to Brasstown…