Doing Business in Georgia

…is a list of companies that participated in the Timber Product Output (TPO) annual survey of the primary wood-using industries in Georgia and reported that their wood procurement system and/or…

A Look Back at GFC in 2021

…with the Association of County Commissioners, we have developed a uniform, online timber harvesting notification system for timber harvesters and county officials. Establishment of Carbon Advisory Committee – Created a…

Newnan Tornado Recovery – One Year Later

…the forestry expertise it needs to get through this.” Shortly after the storm subsided, the Georgia Forestry Commission partnered on recovery efforts. Chainsaw crews were dispatched to clear main arteries…

Christmas Tree Vendor Directory

…- Come See Come Saw David Bosshardt Call For Appointment , , Phone: 706-861-5672 County: Walker Call for appointment and directions. Blue Ice; Leyland Cypress; White Pine; Open Date: Mon:…

Grant Program Funds Tree Plantings

partnerships, establish and build new ones, and create relationships between a community and its local Georgia Forestry Commission personnel and resources. To learn more about this program, go to….

Wildfire Prevention

…percent of all wildfires in the state. Debris burning is categorized into different types: Yard leaf piles – the most common cause of wildfires Agricultural Forestry site preparation Construction land…

Rural Fire Defense Program

…user account, click on the desired auction site on follow the sites’ instructions. Helpful Resources TitleDescriptionDocument Type Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act Of 1978 PDF FFP Program Overview The…

Southern Pine Beetles

…cutting a buffer around the active infestation. What Can Be Done? In cooperation with the US Forest Service, Forest Health Protection Unit, Georgia Forestry Commission participates in two programs: the…

Recognizing the Value of ‘Good Forest Fires’

…January 30 through February 5, 2022. “The Georgia Forestry Commission works with thousands of private and public partners to help spread the word about ‘good fire,’” said Georgia Forestry Commission…