11-11-21 Leaf Watch Report

Color change has surpassed peak in a majority of NW GA. Overlooks are showing duller shades of yellow, brown and gold, with occasional patches of red. There is very little green left and many species such as yellow poplar, sourwood, and blackgum have lost a majority of their leaves, resulting in patches with little to no color.

A Look Back at GFC in 2021

…confidence and zeal. I know that I, personally, have learned a lot in a very short time during my first year as Director of GFC. Despite challenging conditions for us…

Prescribed Burn Time in Georgia

…pulled with your pickup to your burn site and be a toolbox for prescribed burning. The contents of each trailer are similar. Both contain hand tools (shovels, fire rakes), four…

2022 Chinese Privet Identification Sheet

Chinese (Ligustrum sinense), European (Ligustrum vulgare) and Japanese (Ligustrum japonicum) privets are all listed as invasive-exotic species that threaten native South Carolina forests. These are semi-evergreen, multi-stemmed shrubs or small trees that can grow up to a height of 20 feet. Ligustrum sp. are native to China, parts of Europe and Japan, and were first introduced into the United States around 1909 for ornamental use as shrub borders, erosion control plantings and wildlife forage. Characteristic flowers of Ligustrum species are showy, panicles of tiny, creamy-white flowers that are very fragrant and abundant in late spring through summer. Fruit produced are small, rounded dark-purple berries that persist throughout the winter, especially favored by birds.

“The Best Time to Plant a Tree was Yesterday.”

…always been an incredible resource for forestry needs. Once again, the GFC showed up hours after the storm to begin helping to clear roadways with their strike teams, and soon…

Newnan Tornado Recovery – One Year Later

…the forestry expertise it needs to get through this.” Shortly after the storm subsided, the Georgia Forestry Commission partnered on recovery efforts. Chainsaw crews were dispatched to clear main arteries…

Summer Camp Openings for Nature-Loving Middle Schoolers

…forest products, wildlife, natural resource careers, technology, and more. Campers are given many recreation opportunities, such as swimming, shooting sports, tennis, basketball, a “mud run” obstacle course, and a boating…

Special Committee Tackles Carbon Credit Tracking in Georgia

…cycle process, Georgia is showing strong leadership on an issue that affects us all.” For more information about how forests capture carbon and other benefits of Georgia’s forests and services…

Making your Home more Energy Efficient – by Planting Trees

…utilities are rediscovering tree planting as a time-tested method for reducing energy use. Research has shown roofs, windows, and air conditioners shaded by trees help reduce energy usage by up…

My Three-Month Internship with the GFC

…part, I was working on cost-share programs all summer. The first month and a half of my internship mostly consisted of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) enrollments. Due to a shortage…