Pine Bark Beetles in Georgia

…to the odor produced by wind-thrown trees and trees damaged or killed by nature or man. Living pine trees are infested when stressed by: drought, age, tree competition in overcrowded…

GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 9, 2020

…this week by the birches. Many yellow poplars are currently shedding leaves with leaf showers common along your drive. However, there is still a solid population of poplar that are…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 16, 2020

…the brightest reds and yellows have lost their leaves while other species are slowly beginning to shift from green to yellow and brown. Early turners in higher elevations such as…

Environmental Risks to Arthropods from Imidacloprid Applications for Hemlock Conservation

Managing hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) can involve use of insecticides. When it does, the non-target impacts (negative effects to other organisms) need to be thoroughly considered
and weighed against the environmental cost of inaction or alternative management approaches. Insecticides applied for HWA management are used for conservation purposes, which may seem counterintuitive. However, hemlocks are a key forest species, and so their loss can result in severe ecological consequences. To justify insecticide use against HWA, we have to ask: What are the possible negative consequences of using insecticides in the forest? We must consider these trade-offs in hemlock management. It is important to remember that there will be trade-offs in any kind of resource management discussion, even if it may not initially seem apparent. The negative environmental consequences of hemlock mortality must be weighed against the known consequences of insecticide use to preserve hemlocks.

Proper Tree Mulching

Mulch is organic material placed on the soil’s surface around trees and plants to enhance their growing conditions. Mulch helps maintain soil temperature and moisture, reduce water loss from soil, reduce weed competition, improve soil structure, and give landscapes a clean appearance. Often overlooked, spreading mulch around your trees is one of the easiest and most beneficial techniques that can have great impact on the health and vitality of your trees.

Landowners Can Help Reduce Wildfire in Georgia

…the weather, and have shovels and hoes and water on hand. Yet wildland firefighters continue to see common mistakes that lead to loss of woodlands, property and even lives. Despite…

Cogongrass: Identifying one of the Most Invasive Plant Species

Cogongrass is one of the most invasive plants in Georgia. Follow along with Lynne Womack, our Forest Health Coordinator, and Mark McClure, our Forest Health Specialist, as they discuss the characteristics, common look-a-likes, and location of Cogongrass.

GA Outdoor Burn Notification System FAQs (Spanish Version)

GA código sección 12-6-90 elimina la necesidad de notificar a la comisión forestal de Georgia cuando una persona, empresa, corporación o asociación tiene la intención de quemar vegetación apilada a mano/ escombros de patio. Sin embargo, se añadieron importantes precauciones de prevención de incendios para los quemadores.