Certified Burners Early Permit System

…a certification program for those who practice prescribed burning. To learn more about certification courses, please go to our Prescribed Burn Certification page. Tools for Planning and Executing your Prescribed…

Smokey Bear

Wildfire safety through educational programs in schools, civic club gatherings and other public events

Ask the Arborist

Online assistance for homeowner’s questions about the trees in your yard.

Forest Management Plan

A forest management plan is the roadmap to a healthy forest. Landowners have diverse goals for their forested land. Explore the benefits of creating a forest management plan.

Prescribed Burning Management

Assistance with prescribed burning, including firebreak installation, burn plan development and assistance carrying out a burn.

Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention Program

A Smokey Bear wildfire prevention program is available for kindergarten to second grade students and public events that do not conflict with the national guidelines. Programs are available by appointment to groups of 100 or more. Get more information.