GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…upper latitudes southward and 3000’ to lower elevations. Highest elevations just beyond peak. Storm Zeta represents a significant threat to a colorful conclusion of this year’s leaf season. Heavy rain…

Meet GFC’s Director: Tim Lowrimore

It is a real honor to be meeting you here, virtually. I am excited to be joining the Georgia Forestry Commission team and I look forward to the time we…

Area Forestry Employees Earn 2021 Performance Awards

…“Area of the Year” award. The annual honor is given by the GFC’s Forest Protection Department, which manages wildfire readiness throughout the state. Criteria were measured in the categories of…

Newnan Tornado Recovery – One Year Later

…moving forward. We are replanting and making progress, with a lot of help alongside us.” “It is our privilege to be able to serve the Newnan community in this fashion,”…

North Georgia Burn Ban Boosts Air Quality

…asked to refrain from burning yard and land clearing debris, whose smoke can negatively impact the state’s air quality during the hot summer months by contributing to high ozone levels….

Wildfire Risk High as July Fourth Holiday Approaches

…Forestry Commission Chief of Protection Frank Sorrells. “As you plan outdoor activities this summer, remember that any kind of spark or ember can be a hazard, especially when they’re near…

Leaf Watch Report for October 20th, 2022

…blackgum. We are also in mid-peak for dogwood and sourwood. These species have a much more extended peak period than many other species. Scenic NE Drive: Highway 348 (Richard B….

Leaf Watch Report for October 26th, 2022

…GA: The north Georgia mountains are full of autumn splendor. However, with recent wind events and several hard freezes last week, most elevations above 3,500 feet are past peak or…

STEM & Forestry

STEM & Forestry By Chelsea York GFC Conservation Education Coordinator November 8 is National STEM/STEAM Day! Chances are you’ve heard those buzzwords over the past few years, especially in the…