Danville Man Named GA Forester of the Year

…past year. He aided forest health personnel with southern pine beetle flights and trapping. He also serves numerous organizations with his forestry expertise, including FFA Forestry Field Days, UGA Extension…

How Fire Earns GOOD Marks in the Forest

…Many songbirds, white-tailed deer, and the endangered red cockaded woodpecker are fire-dependent species. Georgia’s native longleaf pine ecosystem is reliant on fire as well. Annually over one million acres of…

High-flying Tools for Fire – and More!

…on several wildfires by mapping fire perimeters and locating hot spots. Our Forest Management department has used them to create georeferenced aerial maps, locating pine beetle spots, poachers, and more….

Explore and Enjoy Georgia’s Public Lands

pine stands, while the other components are wetlands made up of pond cypress and swamp blackgum. The forest is managed for a variety of objectives, such as timber management, wildlife,…

Georgia Landowner Earns National Forest Sustainability Award

…achievement.” The Gaskins Estate boasts managed forests of planted and natural longleaf, loblolly, and slash pines, along with a number of hardwood species. Almost half the land is managed for…

PLT and Me!

…had a lot of fun. Jackson County Extension agent Jonathan Page looks on as Beta Club volunteer Grayson Henderson counts the rings on a pine tree trunk section – called…