Lula Lake Land Trust (LLLT)

Since 2014, LLLT has treated 7,500 Hemlocks against the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, and the core preserve serves as a State of Georgia research site for chemical and biologic controls.

News Archives

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 National Arbor Day 2013…

Fall Leaf Watch Kickoff

…of the nutrients, sugars, and resources moved from the leaf back into the stem. The tree can then seal off its woody tissue to conserve those resources for reallocation next…

Environmental Risks to Arthropods from Imidacloprid Applications for Hemlock Conservation

Managing hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) can involve use of insecticides. When it does, the non-target impacts (negative effects to other organisms) need to be thoroughly considered
and weighed against the environmental cost of inaction or alternative management approaches. Insecticides applied for HWA management are used for conservation purposes, which may seem counterintuitive. However, hemlocks are a key forest species, and so their loss can result in severe ecological consequences. To justify insecticide use against HWA, we have to ask: What are the possible negative consequences of using insecticides in the forest? We must consider these trade-offs in hemlock management. It is important to remember that there will be trade-offs in any kind of resource management discussion, even if it may not initially seem apparent. The negative environmental consequences of hemlock mortality must be weighed against the known consequences of insecticide use to preserve hemlocks.

Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)

…Covered Practices that help conserve and enhance soil, water, air and related natural resources on their land. Pay Rate CSP provides participants with payments to maintain the existing conservation based…

“Wildfires in Georgia”

…fully committed. We have no replacements – only other county units to call upon, which can take hours. This fire took two days to control and three more of mop-up…