Reflections on the Big Fire of 2007

…16, 2007, southwest of Waycross. It was named the Sweat Farm Fire, and it consumed 20,000 acres in the first 48 hours alone. By April 21 it had spread into…


…These include southern pine beetle, emerald ash borer, gypsy moth traps, and an entire program dedicated to the early detection of insects around our ports and other high-risk areas of…

Bloom-time BOLO for Invasive Weed in Georgia

…was accidentally introduced to the U.S. in 1912 via orange crate packing material from Japan. Since then, it has spread and been discovered across 1.25 million acres in the Southeast….

Needlecast in Pines

…is no reason to be alarmed! These trees aren’t dying, but they do have a fungal infection that causes needlecast. Here in the Southeast, several genera of the fungus Lophodermium…

My Three-Month Internship with the GFC

…York, but I was fortunate to grow up visiting a piece of family property in southwestern Georgia. Before I was born, my great uncle envisioned restoring the longleaf ecosystem on…

Certified Burner Reciprocal Agreement

southern states to apply to become certified burners in Georgia. Who is Eligible? Certified burners from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and…


…application to one of the following contacts: Macon Response Center Booth, Ashlee Supervisor – Response Center Southern Response Center Waller, Rebecca Supervisor – Response Center exclamation-circle Nothing found-…

Forest Management & Conservation

clean air clean water carbon repositories wildlife habitats spaces for recreation life-enhancing products GFC provides education and tools to help landowners manage and protect their forests Landowners have many reasons…