
Trees are capital assets that help decrease infrastructure costs in cities. The presence of trees in a community affects the cost of municipal services such as stormwater control, transportation and…

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Carefully Planned “Good Fires” Prevent Bad Ones

…increasing ecological challenges and natural resource concerns in Georgia. To learn more about prescribed fire and activities on public lands, visit,,,, or @ChattOconeeNF. # # #…

Wildfire Prevention

…and incident command expertise GFC provides education in the protection and conservation of forest resources. GFC’s rigorous training programs ensure responders understand such concerns as: fire weather fire behavior suppression…

Emergency Response

…WUI can take to help safeguard their property from fire, including: choice of building materials landscaping designs remove hazardous fuels from the forest floor and around structures conduct controlled prescribed…


Community trees across the United States store 6.5 million tons of carbon per year, resulting in a savings of $22 billion in control costs. Stable Weather Research demonstrates that urban…

Meet GFC’s Director: Tim Lowrimore

It is a real honor to be meeting you here, virtually. I am excited to be joining the Georgia Forestry Commission team and I look forward to the time we…