New Website Improves the Timber Harvest Notification Process in Georgia

…at “This is a win-win across the board,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “All the major stakeholders were at the design table and what’s being rolled out…

Crawford County Man Pleads Guilty to Setting Wildfires

…between May and December of that year. “Georgia Forestry Commission personnel worked very closely with a number of partner agencies during the investigation,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Chief of Law…

Here comes summer – your trees are getting thirsty!

…out why it’s important to hire a commercial International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist at: Ask the Arborist Series: Why Hire an Arborist and where to find one at….

Emergency Response Plan for Community Officials

The purpose of this Emergency Storm Response Plan is to help clarify the roles of municipal personnel and establish uniform operating procedures in response to tree damage during storm events.

Wildfires on the Rise in Georgia

…show reasonable fire prevention precautions were not taken. Hot temperatures and low rainfall are pushing up wildfire activity in Georgia. The Georgia Forestry Commission is urging people to be extremely…