Caring for Trees in Summer

Keeping trees healthy is a year ’round responsibility. Whether your focus is on the back yard or the “back 40,” the Georgia Forestry Commission has a wealth of resources to…

National Forest Products Week

…doing breaks down cellulose to a microfiber component. Nanocellulose improves the properties of strength, stiffness, and adhesive qualities. It is comparatively lightweight and acts as a barrier to moisture and…

2022 Economic Benefits of the Forestry Industry in Georgia

Georgia’s forest industry has many components, which interact with all other sectors of the economy in complex ways. The purposes of this analysis are to: (1) quantify the level of economic activity conducted by the components of the forest industry, (2) estimate economic activity supported in all Georgia sectors by the industry’s activities, (3) compare the level of activity in the forest industry with other industries, and (4) quantify the economic activity of forest industry sectors within each of the 12 regional commissions in Georgia.

Georgia’s Conservation Woodland Program

Community Forest Department are found on this webpage. There you’ll see tools such as “Ask the Arborist,” tree care manuals, community outreach opportunities, and information about the Wildland Urban Interface,…

Leaf Watch Report for October 20th, 2022

…Mountains. The higher elevations above 3,000 feet currently provide gorgeous yellow, gold, and red displays. The river corridors are also magnificent, but species such as poplar, birch, sycamore, walnut, and…

Deadline Approaching for GA Timber Harvesters and Counties

…Georgia legislation that passed in 2020,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “It changed the law in ways that make it easier for harvesters to file information that the…

Teacher Conservation Workshop gets an A+

Teacher Conservation Workshop gets an A+ GUEST BLOG by Ashley Wright, Pike County Elementary School I just had the honor of completing the Georgia Teacher Conservation Workshop, and WOW! What…

What I Did On My Summer Vacation…

…environmental education programs for over 10 years now. I’ve seen a lot, learned a lot, and love the EE community in Georgia. I felt, however, there wasn’t a whole lot…


BILLY LANCASTER SUMMER YOUTH CAMP Did you go to summer camp as a kid? Many adults say some of their fondest memories were formed during those early get-aways. Be it…


…days. Did you know that May is also Clean Air Month? In 1972, the American Lung Association created the week-long event to raise awareness about the importance of clean air…