“Smokey Bear and Me: A Thanksgiving Thrill!”

“Smokey Bear and Me: A Thanksgiving Thrill!” By Tim Lowrimore Thanksgiving 2023 is a holiday I won’t forget for a long time. While it did take me away from Georgia,…

Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ) in Georgia

Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ) in Georgia By: Seth Hawkins Often we think about wildfires around homes as some distant issue affecting unknown forests and communities out west. It’s important,…

GFC’s Rural Fire Defense Program (RFD)

GFC’s Rural Fire Defense Program (RFD) By Emily Hamilton, GFC Rural Fire Defense Manager The Georgia Forestry Commission offers special services to Georgia communities through the Rural Fire Defense Program….

Forests & Water: A Critical Combination

Forests & Water: A Critical Combination By Scott Thackston, GFC Water Quality Program Coordinator At the Georgia Forestry Commission, we’re proud to share the countless benefits that forests supply. Not…


BREEZING INTO SUMMERTIME May is a month for celebrating! Graduations, Memorial Day, tolerable temperatures, and anticipation for the relaxation that summertime provides are all reasons to herald these special 30…


…Tracts that are overcrowded or damaged by road building or logging activities can increase risk, as well as weather factors such as drought or flooding. Landowners are urged to regularly…