Georgia Carbon Registry Factsheet

The Georgia Carbon Registry provides forest landowners, municipalities, and public and private entities with an official mechanism for the development, documentation, and reporting of carbon emissions offset projects undertaken in Georgia.

Guiding Principles for Forest Carbon Sequestration – Executive Summary

This paper examines the key issues surrounding the development and application of forest-based offset projects in the southern region of the United States and provides the Southern Group of State Foresters’ (SGSF) recommendations for how these issues should be addressed in federal climate policy, should legislation be enacted.

Guidelines for Forest Steward Designation

These guidelines are intended to set the standards for judging whether or not landowners have accomplished sufficient stewardship management of their forest resources to warrant their designation as a “Forest Steward” and their property certified as a Stewardship Forest by Georgia’s Forest Stewardship Program.

Taxes & Estate Planning

…timber sale income as capital gains income are, you may dispose of your timber on a lump-sum basis if the timber is a capital asset in the hands of the…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 30, 2020

…is there is still plenty of foliage in transition and still plenty green so we should still see more color development in the coming days to the next 2-3 weeks….

Spring Tree Care

By Seth Hawkins, GFC Urban Forest Specialist Springtime is here and with longer days and warmer temperatures at hand, trees are waking up for the growing season. Trees’ water needs…

Will someone buy my trees

Many homeowners believe that the trees in their landscape have significant economic value for use as lumber or other wood products. These trees, whether pine or hardwood, seem to occupy such a large space in the landscape that it’s difficult to imagine they can’t be used to build houses, furniture or put to some other valuable use. Landowners also hope that this value will help offset the cost of the tree’s removal, which can be very expensive.