Georgia Senate Bill 119 12-6-90

1 To amend Code Section 12-6-90 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to
2 permit required for burning woods, lands, marshes, or other flammable vegetation, and
3 exceptions, so as to except certain yard waste from permitting; to provide for related matters;
4 to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

Georgia Burn Notification Law Changing

…land clearing burning rules and may require the use of an Air Curtain Destructor (ACD), depending on the county in which you live. Click here for GA EPD Open Burning…

Georgia ReLeaf Grant Program

…of Georgia communities. 3) Help sustain health and diversity in Georgia’s community forests. 4) Improve planning efforts of city administrators, municipal tree departments and tree boards. 5) Increase environmental and…

Make That Paper!

This online game designed to help high school students learn about the forestry industry and career employability skills. In the game, students are managers in three varied forestry career pathways, hiring personnel, solving industry-related problems, and making sound business decisions. To attain their goal of sustainable, efficient, and successful management of the forest and production of forest products, they must use best practices in hiring and staff management while using the resources and information provided by industry experts.

GFC Leaf Watch

…color as they prepare for winter dormancy. In response to certain environmental stimuli, leaf pigments begin to reveal themselves in the leaves of Georgia’s deciduous trees. The amount of pigments…

Autumn Leaves Flyer

Shorter days and cooler nights start a precise clockwork of physical and chemical interactions within leaf cells bringing forests ablaze with color as they prepare for winter dormancy. In response to certain environmental stimuli, leaf pigments begin to reveal themselves in the leaves of Georgia’s deciduous trees. The amount of pigments in trees depends on the tree species, soil composition, and other environmental components.

National Forest Products Week

…to look no further than our own homes, which contain dimensional lumber, Oriented Strand Board (OSB) panels, cabinets, and furniture to name a few. Also, everyday items, such as the…

10-20-21 Leaf Watch Report

The past week has been cool and sunny with a little rain, allowing many of the trees to slowly progress with color change. Areas with high concentrations of blackgum and sourwood are currently showing the most vivid colors providing differing shades of red and orangeSassafras is also beginning to show a variety of colors including yellow, orange and red.