Five-Year Plan

The purpose of the Five-Year Plan for Georgia’s Urban and Community Forests is to: provide strategic direction for urban and community forest programs coordinate statewide efforts to value, conserve, manage…

Tree Ordinances

…by a tree board or department. How to develop new tree ordinances or revise existing ones. Get started: download GFC Tree Ordinance Development Guidebook. This guide was designed to assist…

Canopy Studies & Tree Inventories

Depletion of Georgia’s Tree Canopy According to a 2006 study, the Atlanta region lost an average of 50 acres of tree canopy per day between 1991 and 2005. For each…

Champion Trees

…L. Little Jr.’s Checklist of United States Trees (Native and Naturalized) to determine eligibility. It was published in 1979 as U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Handbook 541. There are species…

Forest Utilization

…Refer to the tab below for TPO reports in Georgia. A limited number of printed copies can be obtained by contacting GFC’s Forest Utilization staff. Information can also be obtained…

Green Cities: Good Health

Metro nature – including trees, parks, gardens, and natural areas – enhance quality of life in cities and towns. The experience of nature improves human health and well-being in many ways. review these scientific studies that tell us how.

Green Cities: Active Living

Recent research indicates that quality outdoor environments affect activity attitudes and behaviors. Urban greening contributes to more walkable places.

Green Cities: Mental Health & Function

Both visual access and being within green space helps to restore the mind’s ability to focus. This can improve job and school performance, and help alleviate mental stress and illness.