Prescribed Burn

A prescribed burn plan is important for a safe and successful prescribed burn. A written burn plan includes the prescription for the stand and outlines the objectives for the burn….

Forest Utilization

…per year than is harvested, resulting in growth exceeding removals by 48% for all species combined. PDF Georgia Carbon Registry Factsheet The Georgia Carbon Registry provides forest landowners, municipalities, and…

Student Resources

years of finding no cogongrass resprouts. PDF 2021 Dirty Dozen (Top Twelve Nonnative Invasive Plants) List 72 counties have had cogongrass detections since 2007, and to date 34 of the…

Georgia Project WILD

Project WILD has been providing award winning, classroom tested, quality conservation education in Georgia, the U.S. and around the world for over 20 years. It is an environmental education program for students of all ages. This program is sponsored in Georgia by the Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division and the Georgia Chapter of the Safari Club International.

Georgia Centennial Farms

The Georgia Centennial Farm Program was developed in 1993 to distinguish family farms that have contributed to preserving Georgia’s agricultural history by maintaining working farms for more than 100 years. The program has recognized over 530 farms around the state.

Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) National Program

As the Nation’s continuous forest census, the FIA program projects how forests are likely to appear 10 to 50 years from now. This enables us to evaluate whether current forest management practices are sustainable in the long run and to assess whether current policies will allow the next generation to enjoy America’s forests as we do today.

FIA Statistics Report for Georgia (1997)

This report highlights the principal findings of the seventh forest survey of Georgia. Field work began in November 1995 and was completed in April 1998. Six previous surveys, completed in 1936, 1953, 1961, 1972, 1982, and 1989 provide statistics for measuring changes and trends over the previous 62 years.