Law Enforcement

GFC investigators are specially trained to conduct investigations of forestry-related crimes. Timber security laws have been amended and updated over time, and in 2014, GFC investigators were authorized by House…

Tax Tips for Forest Landowners

This is a collection of documents published by the Forest Service. It includes previous versions of the “Annual Tax Tips for Forest Landowners” as well as other publications related to the tax treatment of timber and timberland.

Gummosis in Trees

Gummosis is a common infection found on various fruit and nut trees. In the landscape, gummosis is most often recognized as a glob of translucent, amber colored sap on the side of the stem or lower trunk of trunk of a tree.

Outstanding GFC Employees Honored by State Legislators

…2,000 hours of training, employees assisted 620 landowners with prescribed burning, plowing and harrowing, suppressed 141 wildfires on 463,000 acres, and assisted with Hurricane Michael relief and GFC seed collection…

News Archives

2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 National Arbor Day 2013…

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)

Updated September 26, 2023 David Cappaert, Michigan State University, photo credit The emerald ash borer (EAB) is an exotic insect that belongs to a group of metallic wood-boring beetles….

Sirex Woodwasp in Georgia

A non-native woodwasp, Sirex noctilio, was detected in New York (NY) in 2005 and likely entered a port via solid wood packing material in cargo. This insect is native to…