Timber Products

…productive use, often in commercial applications. Gum – the extraction of the raw fluid, or resin, from pines trees, predominantly slash and longleaf pines. Resin – the source of rosin…

Care For Your Trees

…and species of each tree in your yard changes to its structure over time, such as small or discolored leaves, premature leaf loss and the presence of mushrooms or fungus…

Community Forestry Assistance

…How can we budget for tree needs and integrate better tree care across city agencies? What equipment and personnel do we need now and into the future? Are we prepared…

Making the Shade Program

…responsibility for watering and mulching. Pre-planned classroom activities can also be coordinated around events such as Arbor Day. Apply to Making the Shade Program Making the Shade grant applications are…

Ecosystem Services

…often go unrecognized in individual, corporate, and public decision making. When forests and other ecosystems are undervalued, they are more susceptible to development pressures and conversion to non-forest uses. Over…

Georgia Arbor Day

…so Morton set out to plant millions of trees. These served as windbreaks, prevented soil erosion and provided habitat, shade and fuel, among many other things. Mr. Morton convinced many…

Forest Utilization

…can be accessed through their website. PDF Georgia Pulpwood Production Fact Sheet – 2021 This fact sheet is adapted from Southern Pulpwood Production, 2021. The full report presents the findings…

Smokey Bear Website

Visit the official Smokey Bear website for all types of resources on how to prevent wildfires, safe camp fires, and learn about the history of Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention campaign.

National Arson Awareness Week

The U.S. Fire Administration provides resources to spread important messages in your community to prevent arson. Access resources.