Grant Program Funds Tree Plantings

…partnerships, establish and build new ones, and create relationships between a community and its local Georgia Forestry Commission personnel and resources. To learn more about this program, go to….

Ecosystem Services

…formation, carbon sequestration, nutrient and waste recycling, and pollination Cultural Services: The educational, aesthetic, cultural heritage values of ecosystems, including tourism and recreation Traditionally, most ecosystem services are considered free…

Forest Debris Management Program Practices

View acceptable debris management practices include chipping, grinding, root raking, piling, windrowing, pile burning, or other cost-effective methods to manage storm damage debris.


Forest2Market is a global provider of timber pricing, cost benchmarks and in-depth analytics for participants in the wood raw materials supply chain. Our data-based solutions provide insight into complex business issues and support fact-based decision making and planning.

Open Records Requests

Public records are broadly defined to include: documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, computer-based or generated information, data, data fields, or similar material prepared and maintained or received in…

Vibrant Cities Lab

Case Studies, Research Guides and Tools to help cultivate thriving urban forests that boost public health, safety, sustainability and economic growth.

What is my tree worth?

Homeowners often believe that trees in their landscape have economic value for use as lumber or other wood products. The main impediment to selling your landscape trees is the cost of their removal.

Tree Risk Management

Trees provide a host of benefits, but we have a responsibility to assess and minimize risks associated with the forest canopy.

Bot Canker in Ornamental Trees

Bot canker is a serious pathogen of landscape and ornamental trees. This fungus is opportunistic and generally requires a weakened or damaged host.