Forest Management & Conservation

clean air clean water carbon repositories wildlife habitats spaces for recreation life-enhancing products GFC provides education and tools to help landowners manage and protect their forests Landowners have many reasons…

Management Plans & Advice

…records and keep track of activities on your property. Communicate with others who use the property or who may be caring for it in the future. Creating a forest management…

Why Choose a Live Christmas Tree?

…one that’s just right for them. I would like to encourage everyone to visit your local tree farm and select a locally grown tree and support a local small business….

Ecosystem Services

…benefits to society. These public goods provide the basis for sustainable economies, communities, and livelihoods, but have no recognized economic value in the marketplace. The vital contributions of ecosystem services…

Teacher Conservation Workshop

…water. Participants learn hands-on practical exercises that can supplement their classroom curricula and student projects. Certification in Project Learning Tree, WET, and WILD are awarded at the completion of the…


COMMITMENT TO COMPLIANCE WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT GFC abides by the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We will not discriminate against individuals with disabilities on the…

Open Records Requests

…the information below and Submit when completed. GFC Open Record Coordinator, Wendy Burnett, will answer by email within 3 business days. If not, please call Wendy Burnett at 478-365-6233. Name…

Pine Bark Beetles

…trees stressed from drought, storm damage or mechanical injury. Ips and BTB are seen most frequently by landowners and typically only kill a few trees at a time. To avoid…

Healthy Forests Reserve Program (HFRP)

Eligibility Must be private land or Tribal land which will restore, enhance or measurably increase the likelihood of recovery of a threatened or endangered species, improve biological diversity and increase…

Cogongrass in Georgia

…and plant regeneration, wildlife habitat, forage, and ecological diversity. Cogongrass infestations are being found primarily in south Georgia, but is capable of growing throughout the state. It grows in numerous…