Law Enforcement

GFC investigators are specially trained to conduct investigations of forestry-related crimes. Timber security laws have been amended and updated over time, and in 2014, GFC investigators were authorized by House…

Coastal Arborist Association

The Coastal Arborist Association (CAA) was founded in 2015 to provide education, training, and fellowship to arborists in the coastal region of Georgia and South Carolina.

Vibrant Cities Lab

Case Studies, Research Guides and Tools to help cultivate thriving urban forests that boost public health, safety, sustainability and economic growth.

Trees and Drought

Drought is a main contributing factor to shade tree decline. Extended drought can influence the health of shade trees by the loss of absorbing roots.

How to Water Your Trees

Summer heat often prompts us to wonder how our trees can survive when too little rain falls to keep the grass alive. There are important tips to follow for proper watering and maintenance.

Assessing Soil Water Resource Space

Trees require high quality resources in the correct proportions to perform best. Water, and the soil volume which holds water, are critical to great tree growth.

Urban Forest Strike Team

This video outlines the work of GFC’s Urban Forest Strike Team, which helps communities deal with the aftermath of severe storms.

Hurricane Michael – Farm Recovery Block Grants

The Georgia Department of Agriculture will accept online applications for the $347 million in block grant funds beginning March 18, 2020. Georgia farmers and forest landowners in 95 eligible counties, who suffered losses to beef, dairy, fruit and vegetable, pecan, poultry, timber, and uninsured infrastructure can enroll. The federal block grants seek to help recover losses not covered under existing USDA Farm Service Agency programs. Only online applications will be accepted. All applications must be completed and submitted by April 8, 2020.