Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl Poster Contest

For students to demonstrate their understanding of wildfire prevention and basic environmental conservation principles through original drawings of Smokey Bear or Woodsy Owl. 1st through 5th grade students

Georgia’s Forests – 5 Year Report (2019)

Inventories provide information needed to formulate sound forest policies, provide information for economic development, develop forest programs, and provide a scientific basis to monitor forest ecosystems.

Guiding Principles for Forest Carbon Sequestration – Executive Summary

This paper examines the key issues surrounding the development and application of forest-based offset projects in the southern region of the United States and provides the Southern Group of State Foresters’ (SGSF) recommendations for how these issues should be addressed in federal climate policy, should legislation be enacted.

The Longleaf Alliance

The mission of the Longleaf Alliance is to ensure a sustainable future for the longleaf pine ecosystem through partnerships, landowner assistance and science-based education and outreach.

Open Records Requests

Public records are broadly defined to include: documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, computer-based or generated information, data, data fields, or similar material prepared and maintained or received in…

Society of American Foresters (SAF)

SAF challenges landowners, decision makers, and society at large to make choices about our forests based on professional knowledge, leading-edge thinking, and a century of practical experience.

Pine Beetle – The Urban Problem

Awareness of the location of pine beetle infestations near them and research based information relative to the management options available is the best defense a homeowner can have.