Storm Mitigation Planning

Planning Both communities and arborists need to plan ahead for storms. An effective storm plan will help to minimize a storm’s impacts on your community forest. GFC can help communities…

Ask The Arborist

…Forestry Commission, and while our community foresters are International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborists, their expertise mainly pertains to trees commonly found in Georgia. Note: GFC email serves cannot accept…

Forestry Services Contractors Directory

Search by Company Name, Contact Info, Service Area or Specific Services , , Office Phone: Mobile Phone: Fax: RxBurner? Pesticide Applicator? 4:13 Forestry , , Dalton Hillis Office Phone:229-563-3655 Mobile…

Human Resources Information

…Other Training As an employee progresses in his or her career with the Georgia Forestry Commission, the agency offers training for most positions in the Incident Command System as well…

Public Invited to Meeting About Climate Change and Carbon Storage

Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “Our agency is leading the establishment of a special committee that will create rules governing the registry and an independent auditor who will certify GFC-registered carbon…

Forests for Georgia, Georgia for Forests

…from water quality, carbon sequestration and wildlife habitat. Carbon sequestration takes place when trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, storing it in their branches, trunks, roots, leaves and in…

Forest Utilization

…per year than is harvested, resulting in growth exceeding removals by 48% for all species combined. PDF Georgia Carbon Registry Factsheet The Georgia Carbon Registry provides forest landowners, municipalities, and…

Community Forestry Assistance

…forestry programs, and promote the care of trees in communities throughout Georgia with emphasis on disadvantaged communities. In partnership with the Georgia Tree Council, the Georgia ReLeaf grant program offers…