Managing Storm Damaged Trees: Do’s and Don’ts

Check out this resource for the Do’s and Don’ts on how to manage damaged trees from a storm. Includes: how to hire a professional for clean up, chainsaw safety, pruning and maintenance for damaged trees and more.

Storm Damage: Information for Landowners

Storms cause varying degrees of damage to forests and damage can be highly variable across affected areas of the landscape. Landowner objectives for the forest will help determine what actions are needed to restore the health and productivity of the forest resource. View steps to take after any storm.

Storm Damaged Trees – Pruning Decision Guide

Right after a hurricane, communities and homeowners need to decide what to do with storm-damaged trees. Although damaged trees may seem to be dying, some trees can be restored, others will need to be removed, and still others will not require any special treatment and can be left alone.

2022 Tornado Damage Assessment from April 5 and 6, 2022

Description of the Event: On Tuesday, April 5th, and Wednesday, April 6th, a strong storm system produced multiple tornadoes, mainly across central and South Georgia. Georgia Forestry Commission management foresters and GIS foresters helped assess and map out the damage that occurred throughout the state. There
were 33 tornado touchdowns, with seven of the tornadoes causing timber damage that required an assessment.

Pine Bark Beetles

…trees stressed from drought, storm damage or mechanical injury. Ips and BTB are seen most frequently by landowners and typically only kill a few trees at a time. To avoid…

Selling Storm Damaged Timber

Selling timber is a relatively involved process even in the best of times, requiring patience and diligence so that
a good harvest and the best price can be achieved. Learn what to expect when selling.