Leaf Watch Report for November 11th, 2021

…Bronze and Yellows Blackgum – Reds Sassafras – Yellows/Orange Sweetgum-Dull Yellow Hickory-Yellows Percentage of color change from green to date: 95% above 3000’; 75% or less below 3000’. Peak is…

Leaf Watch Report for October 27th, 2021

…– Above 3000’ beginning changes to reds Blackgum – Reds Sassafras – Sweetgum-Yellow Hickory-Beginning to show yellows Percentage of color change from green to date: 40% above 3000’; 25% or…


…The Georgia Forestry Commission’s State Agency Headquarters Complex is located on 5645 Riggins Mill Road in Dry Branch, Georgia State Agency Headquarters Complex Map Click here for assistance with directions…

Gummosis in Trees

Gummosis is a common infection found on various fruit and nut trees. In the landscape, gummosis is most often recognized as a glob of translucent, amber colored sap on the side of the stem or lower trunk of trunk of a tree.

Final Leaf Watch Report for November 2nd, 2022

…diversity from overlooks remain strong. High leaf retention from various oak species, maple, hickory, beech, and sweetgum, continue to provide swaths of color. Areas predominantly composed of poplar have experienced…

Leaf Watch Report for October 05, 2022

…reds. Yellow poplar – Increased amounts of yellows showing through. Dogwood – Red and burgundy. Sourwood – Signs of Red hue. Sweetgum – Yellow, red, and purple. Blackgum – Red…

GFC Leaf Watch: October 23, 2020

…brown edges Oak – green slowly fading to brown and yellow Blackgum – shifting to orange and red Sassafras – shows a variety of yellow, orange, and red Sweetgum –…

GFC Leaf Watch Report: October 9, 2020

…and red are gradually expanding. Red maple, sumac, and blackgum are primarily responsible for the faint patches of red, while hickory and poplar are providing small hints of yellow. Sweetgum

Storm Mitigation Planning

Planning Both communities and arborists need to plan ahead for storms. An effective storm plan will help to minimize a storm’s impacts on your community forest. GFC can help communities…